
Expat coach

Welcome to your Expat Coach!

What can an experienced Expat Coach do for you? What are potential reasons why you should hire an Expat Coach?

◆ First-time Expat and you would like to ensure a successful relocation
◆ You have ambitious career goals, Career Coaching, sessions in English
◆ You feel isolated
◆ You suffer a ‘culture shock’
◆ You are an accompanying partner & you need help adjusting
◆ Expat life is taking a toll on your family
◆ You are moving back to your own country

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The Coach of Different Coaching will address all your questions and help you find the right answers. Your Expat Coach cultural & business expertise, people skills and enthusiasm have inspired many, and will inspire you as well! Please contact us directly for an Intake session.

Judith M. Migchels is a Dutch national, born and raised in the south of the Netherlands. She studied Chemical Engineering & Material Science at the University of Technology in Eindhoven. Furthermore, she holds an MBA and a Master in Management from Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University (US). During her career, she worked as General Manager/CEO for multinationals, Shell & DSM, before founding her own company ‘Different Coaching’. Different Coaching focusses on Career, Management & Company coaching, as well as the specific coaching of Expats and their spouses (your Expat Coach!). Judith herself has travelled immensely (all over the world) on business, she worked in Asia (India, China, Japan, Singapore), the America’s, Africa & the Middle East, as well as in Europe. She speaks multiple languages, among others she is fluent in English.

For more information, please visit LinkedIn.

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